Wednesday 17 August 2011


So, The Man vs. The Tide.

Or to give this blog its formal name 'The Man vs. The Tide Or He's Such A Cnut'. Can you see what I did there? Y'see, it's got a double meani... ach, forget it.

This blog isn't named after an ancient Norse King. Oh no. It's far too wanky for that. It's named after a song (some say a three-part song cycle, but even I have my wanky limitations. Shut it, yes I do.) by Nebraskan indie-folksters Lullaby for the Working Class (3 albums, coupla singles, obscurity. The way it was before Mumford and Son went and spoiled things).

Anyway, herein I seek answers to questions. The answers to some questions will be obvious, like 'yes' or 'no'. Some may be less so. The questions to which the answers pertain will, in all likelihood, fall somewhere on a graph, the X-axis of which being 'interesting' and the Y-axis being 'important'.

Current questions to which I seek answers are:

a) Can one win a Nobel prize for merely positing the scientific theory that, at the point something is on BBC3 that is actually watchable, the universe will be sucked into a black hole, or does one have to show one's workings too? (I haven't made up my mind about Wilfred yet, but I reserve the right if it becomes popular to voice in certainty the opinion that the Australian version was better than the remake. Not that I've seen it, you understand)

b) Why is it that the men who present Sky Sports News have such a haunted look? It's as if they've seen far, far too much.

c) Why do the women who present Sky Sports News wear cocktail dresses? Are we to believe that just before a trip to Ritzy they happen to pop in to the studio to introduce the latest video of Harry Redknapp talking utter shite before failing spectacularly to look interested in Dharmesh Sheth's rumour machine (great band - two more from them later)?

Anyway, you get the picture. This may turn out to be me, or it may turn out to be me and other people. Some of it may be serious. Some of it may be stupid. I haven't worked that bit out yet.


  1. I would normally agree with you on the BBC 3 thing. But Chris Lilley has changed all that.
    So sad that the brilliant Angry Boys slot now has this tripe.
    And personally I think the answer to b) lies in c). Literally.

  2. Cnut didn't try and defeat the tide. The whole standing in the water thing was a demonstration of humility. Just saying, like.
